Local Law 68 Letter – In Progress

I am writing this letter to inform you that our school building has been identified as having lighting fixtures which are likely to contain PCBs and will therefore be replaced. Our replacement project is currently in progress and, depending on the stage of the work (scope, design, or construction), is expected to be completed before December 31, 2016.

While we understand concerns regarding the presence of materials containing PCBs in the school building, the City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) has advised that, based on a pilot study of DOE schools, there is no immediate health concern and that health effects from long term exposure to the air in school buildings are unlikely to occur at the PCB levels seen in the NYC schools. Please visit http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/downloads/pdf/epi/pcb.pdf for more information on PCBs and to address any questions about health concerns.

The DOE is actively working with schools to address this issue and will keep us apprised as work progresses in our building. You may visit the DOE’s website to view the regularly updated lists of buildings where work is currently underway or has been completed, as well as additional information related to the Department’s comprehensive plan: http://www.nycsca.org/Community/Programs/EPA-NYC-PCB/Pages/default.aspx (in English only).


Robert A. Gentile